Dracula’s Guest by Bram Stoker
Dracula’s Guest by Bram Stoker was first published in the short story collection Dracula’s Guest and Other Weird Stories in 1914.
Dracula’s Guest by Bram Stoker was first published in the short story collection Dracula’s Guest and Other Weird Stories in 1914.
Whether it was an untimely death, lack of success or specializing in another format, here are 11 Famous Authors who only wrote one novel.
Quizlit’s Book of the Month March 2024 is Bliss Montage by Ling Ma. From the author of Severance, this scintillating collection of short stories is a wild ride.
Ningyo No Haka by Lafcadio Hearn first appeared in Gleanings in Buddha-Fields, the third book of Hearn’s Japanese period, published in 1897.
Spanning 100 years of British Literature, we’ve considered literally hundreds of wonderful books and come up with this amazing collection of the Best British Books of the 20th Century.
Much of Maxim Gorky writing reflects his own terrible life experiences and suffering. It is in his short stories that he reveals his true genius. Her Lover by Maxim Gorky describes the plight of a lonely, alienated woman who creates an imaginary lover for herself.
Marching into March, we’ve selected 5 Stunning New Books for March 2024. Some really exciting new books on tap this month, we can’t wait to finish them all.
The Father by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson’s was originally written in Norwegian and published in 1860. The story is set in rural Norway and appeared in The Bridal March and Other Stories
The History of England by Jane Austen was written when she was just 15. It’s a lively and somewhat disrespectful overview of the history of England’s monarchy.
An Italian Dream by Charles Dickens is taken from his travelogue Pictures from Italy published in 1846.