Counterparts by James Joyce
Counterparts by James Joyce was published in his 1914 collection Dubliners. The story follows an evening on the town of a frustrated copy clerk.
Free short stories by the all time great short story writers
Counterparts by James Joyce was published in his 1914 collection Dubliners. The story follows an evening on the town of a frustrated copy clerk.
The Locket by Kate Chopin was composed in 1897 but not published until 1969. The story is about two young lovers during the American Civil War and the locket that binds them together.
The Piazza by Herman Melville was first published in the short story collection The Piazza Tales in 1856.
Bill the Bloodhound by P. G. Wodehouse was originally published in Century magazine in 1915, and later appeared in the short story collection The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories.
In The Virginia Room by Arlo Bates appears in the short story collection The Intoxicated Ghost and Other Stories, published in 1908.
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy was first published in 1886, it tells the story of a high-court judge in 19th-century Russia and his sufferings and death from a terminal illness.
Flint and Fire by Dorothy Canfield was first published in the April 1915 edition of Harper’s Magazine.
Originally published under his pseudonym James MacCreigh, Conspiracy on Callisto by Frederik Pohl appeared in Planet Stories Winter 1943 edition
The Wrong House by Guy de Maupassant centers on a case of mistaken identity and the unsettling consequences that follow.
A Foreign Office Romance by Arthur Conan Doyle is a short story that was first published in The Indianapolis News in November 1894.