Death at the Excelsior by P. G. Wodehouse
Death at the Excelsior by P. G. Wodehouse was the author’s only attempt at a detective story, which he pulls off with his signature comic twists and turns.
Death at the Excelsior by P. G. Wodehouse was the author’s only attempt at a detective story, which he pulls off with his signature comic twists and turns.
Australian authors have produced some incredible books over more than a hundred years, including well-known classics that are household names, all the way through to contemporary masterpieces. Enjoy 12 Best Australian Books to Read.
The Happy Unfortunate by Robert Silverberg was published in Amazing Stories in 1957 and explores the angst caused when the human race reaches into space but at the cost of needing to breed a new species. This post may contain affiliate links that earn us a commission at no extra cost to you. The Happy…
The Country of the Blind by H. G. Wells was first published in the April 1904 issue of The Strand Magazine and included in a 1911 collection of Wells’s short stories, The Country of the Blind and Other Stories.
Korean Literature has a long legacy of literature spanning centuries. For the modern day, it also has a thriving literary scene highlighted by a number of wonderful women writers. Enjoy 5 Female Korean Authors Everyone Should Read! This post may contain affiliate links that earn us a commission at no extra cost to you. 5…
The Star Child by Oscar Wilde is short fantasy story for children. It was first published in 1891 as part of the anthology House of Pomegranate.
Few people realize it today, but famed actor Alan Arkin wrote two science fiction short stories in the 1950s, beginning with “Whiskaboom” in 1955 and “People Soup” in 1958. Enjoy Whiskaboom by Alan Arkin
Test your literary knowledge with our Odd One Out Literature Quiz. 10 Questions on Famous Authors and Books, just find the odd one out!