19 Best British Books of the 19th Century
Spanning 100 years of British Literature, we’ve considered literally hundreds of wonderful books and come up with this amazing reading list of the Best British Books of the 19th Century.
Spanning 100 years of British Literature, we’ve considered literally hundreds of wonderful books and come up with this amazing reading list of the Best British Books of the 19th Century.
The Holly Tree by Charles Dickens was published in 1855. A traveler finds himself snowed in at The Holly Tree and entertains himself by recording the stories he hears from his fellow tenants
Test your knowledge of Classic Christmas short stories to get in a festive mood for the holiday season! 10 Questions on famous Christmas tales. Enjoy The Classic Christmas Short Story Quiz!
An Italian Dream by Charles Dickens is taken from his travelogue Pictures from Italy published in 1846.
Historical Fiction is a story that takes readers to a time and place in the past. Enjoy our reading list for the 15 Best Historical Fiction Books