Latin American Literature Quiz

Latin American literature consists of the oral and written literature of Latin America in several languages, particularly in Spanish, Portuguese, and the indigenous languages of the Americas. It rose to particular prominence globally during the second half of the 20th century, largely due to the international success of the style known as magical realism. As such, the region’s literature is often associated solely with this style, with the 20th century literary movement known as Latin American Boom, and with its most famous exponent, Gabriel García Márquez. Latin American literature has a rich and complex tradition of literary production that dates back many centuries
Latin American Literature Quiz

#1. Isabel Allende was born in which Latin American country?
Unlucky! Isabel Allende was actually born in Peru and moved to Chile at Age 3

#2. Junot Diaz wrote “The Brief Wondrous Life of ….?
Unlucky! Oscar Wao is the correct answer

#3. Which Latin American author was the first to win the Noble Prize for Literature in 1945?
Unlucky! Gabriela Mistral won the prize in 1945

#4. Who wrote The Motorcycle Diaries?
Unlucky! Che Guevara wrote The Motorcycle Diaries detailing his trip across South America

#5. Gabriel Garcia Marquez is from which country?
Unlucky! Gabriel Garcia Marquez is Colombian

#6. Who wrote The Aleph in 1949?
Unlucky! Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges wrote The Aleph

#7. Mario Vargas Llosa wrote The War at the ……?
Unlucky! Peruvian Novelist Mario Vargas Llosa wrote The War at the End of the World

#8. Pablo Neruda was most famous for his?
Unlucky! Neruda was a primarily famous for his poetry

#9. Alejo Carpentier’s The Kingdom of the World was set in which country?
Unlucky! Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier’s Kingdom of the World was set in Haiti

#10. Julio Cortazar was a pioneer in which literary genre?
Unlucky! Magical realism was Julio Cortazar’s forte.
Here are some great Latin American Books to read..

Check out our Recommendations for the Best Latin American Books to Read
Some further reading, Overview of Latin American Literature