The Stunning Sequels Book Quiz

Sequels Book Quiz

So nice they did it twice, enjoy our Stunning Sequels Book Quiz.

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#1. Catch 22 by Joseph Heller had a sequel published more than 30 years later called.....?

Unlucky! Closing Time, published in 1994, was the sequel to Catch 22

#2. Doctor Sleep by Stephen King is the sequel to which famous horror novel?

Unlucky! Doctor Sleep is the sequel to The Shining

#3. The follow up to Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass was titled......?

Unlucky! Crown of Midnight was the 2nd in the series and the sequel to Throne of Glass

#4. What was the sequel to The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum?

Unlucky! The Bourne Supremacy was the sequel, published in 1986

#5. What was the sequel to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis?

Unlucky! Prince Caspian was the direct sequel, published one year later

#6. Bridget Jones ........ is a 1999 novel by Helen Fielding, a sequel to Bridget Jones' Diary.

Unlucky! The Edge of Reason was the sequel

#7. What was the sequel to Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe?

Unlucky! Published in 1960 No Longer at Ease is the sequel

#8. The Story of a New Name by Elena Ferrante was the sequel to which book?

Unlucky! The Story of a New name was the follow up to My Brilliant Friend

#9. What was the sequel to Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt?

Unlucky! ‘Tis was the sequel and Teacher Man the final part of the trilogy

#10. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest by Stieg Larsson is the sequel to which book?

Unlucky! The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest was the 3rd in the series and the sequel to  The Girl Who Played with Fire


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