The Super Scary Book Quiz

Don’t be afraid to try our Super Scary Book Quiz! Test your knowledge of the Horror Genre with 10 Questions on the Best Horror Books and Authors

#1. The Silence of the Lambs was a follow up to which Thomas Harris novel?
Unlucky! Red Dragon published in 1981 was the first in the series

#2. Who wrote The Haunting of Hill House?
Unlucky! Shirley Jackson wrote it in 1959

#3. What is the name of the Motel in Psycho by Robert Bloch?
Unlucky! It was the infamous Bates Motel

#4. Ira Levin’s chilling novel was called Rosemary’s …..?
Unlucky! Rosemary’s baby was the title

#5. In William Peter Blatty’s controversial book The Exorcist, what was the name of the girl?
Unlucky! Regan was the young girl possessed.

#6. Ring by Koji Suzuki, what action caused death 7 days later?
Unlucky! And you were if you watched the wrong videotape!

#7. In Stephen King’s Misery, Paul Sheldon has what occupation?
Unlucky! Paul Sheldon was a romance novelist and Anne Wilkes is his No1 fan

#8. What was Frankenstein’s first name?
Unlucky! Victor Frankenstein was the scientist that made the Creature

#9. Who wrote the novel Coraline in 2002?
Unlucky! Neil Gaiman wrote Coraline

#10. What was the family’s name in The Amityville Horror?
Unlucky! It was the Lutz family who moved into the house
Some of the great Horror books featured in the quiz..

If you enjoyed our Horror Quiz check out our recommendations for great horror novels to read