The Courtship of Susan Bell by Anthony Trollope
The Courtship of Susan Bell by Anthony Trollope was written in 1859. Set in Saratoga Springs, New York, it tells the tale of young Susan Bell who lives there with her widowed mother and sister.
Free short stories by the all time great short story writers
The Courtship of Susan Bell by Anthony Trollope was written in 1859. Set in Saratoga Springs, New York, it tells the tale of young Susan Bell who lives there with her widowed mother and sister.
Red by W. Somerset Maugham appears in the short story collection, The Trembling of a Leaf which was published in 1921.
Three Guesses by David Goodis was published in the magazine Hooded Detective in 1942. It tells the story about a Private Investigator fishing for clues to the murder of a lawyer.
The Great Stone Face by Nathaniel Hawthorne was first published in 1850. The story later appeared in the collection, The Snow-Image, and Other Twice-Told Tales in 1852.
A Slav Soul by Alexander Kuprin is the title story of the short story collection A Slav Soul, and Other Stories which was published in English in 1916
The Cauldron of Oil by Wilkie Collins appeared in the collection My Miscellanies Vol II published in 1863.
The Crystal Crypt by Philip K. Dick was first published in the January 1954 edition of Planet Stories and later appeared in Beyond Lies the Wub in 1988.
Originally published in 1920, The Story Of The Siren By E. M. Forster was later included in the collection The Eternal Moment and Other Stories in 1928. It tells the tale of a young man who has seen a siren living deep in the sea.
A Passion in the Desert by Honoré De Balzac was published in 1830 and is one of the Scenes from Military Life of La Comédie Humaine.
A Wagner Matinee by Willa Cather was first published in Everybody’s Magazine in February 1904. In 1906, it appeared in Cather’s first published collection of short stories, The Troll Garden.