A Simple Soul by Gustave Flaubert
A Simple Soul by Gustave Flaubert appears in his collection Three Tales (1877). It also was published as A Simple Heart.
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A Simple Soul by Gustave Flaubert appears in his collection Three Tales (1877). It also was published as A Simple Heart.
The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol was first published in 1842 (sometimes translated as The Cloak). Vladimir Nabokov described “The Overcoat” as “the greatest Russian short story ever written”.
Year of Meteors by Walt Whitman appeared in the poetry collection Leaves of Grass. Though it was first published in 1855, Whitman spent most of his professional life writing and rewriting Leaves of Grass, revising it multiple times.
Enter a Dragoon by Thomas Hardy appeared in the short story collection A Changed Man and Other Tales which was published in 1913.
The Grey Woman by Elizabeth Gaskell appears in her Tales of Mystery and the Macabre collection. It was first published in January 1861 in volume IV of Charles Dickens’ All the Year Round.
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad was first published in 1899. It tells the story of the sailor Charles Marlow as he tells his listeners the story of his assignment as steamer captain for a Belgian company in the African interior.
Master Zacharius by Jules Verne was written in 1854 but not published until 1874. It appeared in the short story collection A Winter Amid the Ice and Other Thrilling Stories.
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran is a book of 26 prose poetry fables written in English by the Lebanese-American poet and writer. It was originally published in 1923.
The short story Oysters by Anton Chekhov was published originally in the Dec 1884 issue of Budilnik magazine. It was later included into Chekhov’s 1886 collection Motley Stories.
Rain by W. Somerset Maugham was originally published as “Miss Thompson” in the April 1921 issue of the American literary magazine The Smart Set, and was included in the collection of stories The Trembling of a Leaf.