The Magical Gabriel García Márquez Quiz

Gabriel García Márquez Quiz

One of the most important writers of the 20th century, Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez (1927-2014). was a Colombian novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter, and journalist who popularized magical realism. Test your knowledge with our Magical Gabriel García Márquez Quiz.

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The Magical Gabriel García Márquez Quiz



#1. The General in His Labyrinth is a fictionalized account of which famous leader?

Unlucky! Simón Bolívar is the subject of the novel

#2. What was the name of the family in One Hundred Years of Solitude?

Unlucky! it is the Buendía family

#3. Complete the title of the short story Sleeping Beauty and the …….

Unlucky! Sleeping Beauty and the Airplane is the title

#4. In which year did he win the Nobel Prize for Literature?

Unlucky! He won it in 1982.

#5. What was the title of the first volume of his autobiography?

Unlucky! Published in 2002 its title is Living to Tell the Tale

#6. The fictional town of Macondo first appears in which work?

Unlucky! Macondo first appeared in Leaf Storm, published in 1955

#7. Which of these was not a short story collection?

Unlucky! Light is Like Water is the odd one out

#8. Gabriel García Márquez worked in what profession before his writing career?

Unlucky! He was a Journalist

#9. The Ghosts of August is set in which European country?

Unlucky! It was set in Italy

#10. Gabriel García Márquez had a long running feud with which writer?

Unlucky! He had a feud with Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa


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